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Useful Information - The Theory Test


Once you've obtained your provisional licence, you will need to start thinking about taking your theory driving test. The DSA theory test consists of a multiple choice section and a hazard perception test.


You will need to be successful in both parts in order to pass overall, so we suggest getting the recommended reading under your belt and attempting as many mock theory tests as possible to familiarise yourself with the structure of the programme.


The multiple choice section is presented with a touch screen computer. You will be expected to answer a total of 50 questions; answering at least 43 correct in order to pass. With the hazard perception test, your responses are recorded through the use of a computer mouse button. You must click as early as possible when you see a developing hazard with a maximum score of 5 per hazard. There are a total of 15 developing hazards giving a possible total of 75. You must score at least 44 in order to pass this part of the test.


If you fail one part of the test, you will have to retake both parts.


Practice does indeed make perfect!

To ensure you fine-tune your knowledge and cram in as much practice as possible, Direct Gov provides a great online service where you can undergo practice driving theory tests to assess your knowledge and build up your understanding of the three key elements.



You can also preview the Highway Code on the Direct Gov website and order the recommended reading materials including 'Know Your Traffic Signs' and the 'Essential Skills' series of books. This information and experience will prove invaluable leading up to your practical driving test.


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All prices correct at time of publishing, we hold no responsability for incorrect pricing


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Simon is great! Would definitely recommend.

Will, St Ives, Cambs

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